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    The summer dress to the down parka!?

    Have you also often wondered why we have to choose swimwear in January and winter jackets in July? We all know the consequences from our overflowing closets, which have to be cleaned out again and again.

    Back to the roots!

    Thank goodness that wasn’t always the case. I am always very impressed when my mother tells me that her winter coat and the rest of her wardrobe were tailored as a child and teenager. No, we are not talking about an old Bavarian aristocracy, but about quite normal necessities in the countryside.

    Often the new clothes were even created from discarded garments that were re-tailored. The quality of the fabric and the craftsmanship (often of the housewives themselves) made it possible – without sacrificing fashionable details (Änne Burda sends her regards). Nevertheless, only what was needed was made. Those who did not tailor themselves looked at the new models in ateliers or department stores and then ordered ‘on demand’.

    Demand: a word that we have not been aware of for a long time, but which is rightly gaining more and more importance again. Of course, coming back to our down parka in July under the aspect of demand, our imaginary question mark doesn’t necessarily get smaller.

    Personally, I’m in love with the way fashion was consumed in the 50s. Like probably most of us, I didn’t live through that era, which is why my imagination is based on stories, study content, and not to mention movies.

    As a dressmaker, I like the idea that craftsmanship and quality were still valued at that time. Waiting for a model makes us realize that it takes time and work to make this garment.

    Do we also have this feeling with the current oversupply in retail and especially in the relevant cheap chains?

    We know that our current relationship with fashion, or rather fashion consumption, is not particularly future-oriented or sustainable. But how can we raise our individual awareness again?

    This is now a somewhat unconventional suggestion but: sew yourself a piece of clothing! Invest time, leisure and certainly nerves. Help is available in almost every city of ateliers and sewing rooms that shoot up like mushrooms thanks to the current zeitgeist. After several days, you realize that the life cycle of fashion does not begin when you pull out your credit card….


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